Monday, June 1, 2015

Relationship: Never Lie To Anyone About These 9 Simple Things

Everyone wants to leave an amazing first impression and most people tend to lie in order to impress the person they are in a conversation with. However, there are some things you have to be upfront about if you have any intention on building a relationship with the person you are trying to impress.
A relationship foundation based on simple lies will always crumble and leave you feeling horrible at the end of the day.

Interestingly, I would say guys are usually more guilty of most of these points below.

1. Age: It’s too difficult to keep track. And eventually the truth comes out.
2. Your Job: Not your dream job. Not the one you just applied for. The one that is currently sending you a paycheck.
3. Your True Relationship Status: Divorce means papers are signed. It doesn’t mean we are living together but have been talking about separating.
4. Height: Unless you plan on dating him via the Internet forever, don’t bother to lie about this one, especially if you prefer heels to flats.
5. Interests: Please don’t pretend you are okay camping when in reality your idea of roughing it is the Ritz-Carlton.
6. Whether Or Not You Smoke: Unless you have been wearing the patch for two years, please don’t pretend you don’t smoke. Lying about it is more of a turnoff for nonsmokers than doing it.
7. Whether You Have Roommates: I know things can be tough financially, but you need to ’fess up to this one. He will know in time if it’s a one-way street to his house only.
8. What You Are Looking For: If you are looking to date, don’t tell him you would be fine with a casual fling. It’s not him who will suffer in this; it’s you. Focus on what you want — don’t conform constantly in order to try and get it.
9. Pets: He could have allergies.
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