Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Psquare wakanusha shutuma ya kutokwenda kanisani

We Go To Church! – Psquare Denies Rumours


Following a report that continental pop stars, Peter and Paul Okoye known as Psquare have not been to church for the past eight years, the music duo has denied ever granting such interview.

Peter Okoye took to Instagram and said

“With all the blessings , How could we have made it without God? We can’t stop going to church… Celebrity or Super Star Na Baba God sure pass.. #EndOfMatter”

Paul wrote

“Pls all psquare fans, friends and well wishers….pls ignore all this news about psquare not going to church,….we never said anything like that and never had any interview or what so ever…,this world is full of wicked people…..yes it’s a free world people can say anything,about our private lifes, families and stuff, but if it has to do with God and church… re on ur own….the Thunder that will fire you is doing press up……tomorrow is Sunday, happy Sunday!! See u guys in church 1uv and God bless u all”
Unknown Web Developer

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