Tuesday, June 23, 2015


They’re all looking at gramps like he forgot to take his medicine. His bars are the only things that are SICK when he lays down his verse in the hood. Freestyling doesn’t come easy, but with as many years under this man’s belt, it looks like he’s had plenty of practice with his flow. He’s only here to spit a sixteen or maybe twice that, and you’ll have to stick around and listen.
As this old man approaches the impromptu cypher, the crowd that gathers around doesn’t seem to believe that this man of retirement age is going to have skills. Claiming he’s probably going to rap about some wet farts, it’s hard to see any of this guy’s content hitting home for the youth. You’ll be just as shocked as these kids when gramps start busting out his impressive verse. Though it seems like a written and not off the dome, it’s hard to hate on pop dukes style.
That’s when the most shocking part of the video happens. After the old man wins over the crowd they reveal the hoodwink. Coby Persin, known for his prank videos on YouTube, brings us this latest practical joke by dressing up a skilled rapper and having him pretend to be an old man. Just as planned, it seems to fool everyone around, and no one seems too unhappy with the skillful silver fox. Make sure to check out the amazing lyricist Hi-Rez who lends his skill to this video, and see if you would have been fooled.

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