Monday, June 1, 2015

Ladies: 7 Kinds Of Men That Are Not Worth Your Time

A relationship should at least give you three things, love, comfort and happiness and from an African perspective it should land you to something serious like marriage . If it is not giving you any of this it is not worth your time. There are certain characteristics as a woman you should look out for in a man before you date him. Here is a list of guys that are not worth your time.
1. The guy who is like 36 about to turn 37, and still can't get his sh*t together and commit to an exclusive relationship with you. You have been dating for 7 years or so, really? Wake up, he is wasting your time! Even though he tells you he loves you and wants to be with you. He's not actually an ; and can’t make the right decision to move his life forward, you deserve a man who has a brain and can get things moving.

2. The guy that says he is an adult and ready to commit but when you bring up getting engaged, or getting formal he says something like, "Wait, I feel like we're moving too fast?" Like seriously dude? Here is the idea dude, take off that diaper you have on and put on your big-boy pants because we've been dating for 3 and above years. We are not growing any younger!

3. That guy who is ever broke. I hate sounding like a gold digger neither am I teaching you to be one but I believe any smart girl should not settle for brokenness. That guy who never seems to have any cash and is acting like you are his sugar Mama or something like that is not worth you. You may be sweet but you're not that sweet, and you're not his sugar mama. If he can’t settle cheap bills how will he manage your life? If you work hard for your money, you deserve a man who also works hard for his.

4. The guy who will never commit which you're aware of, yet you keep dating because you think he's hot and he has the TDH looks. Look, if the hottest of the hottest guys can settle down, so can him the guy you're dating. So if committing isn't his thing, then committing to him isn't yours either.

5. The guy who only texts and never calls. Why on earth would you want to be with a guy who can't even talk to you? Texts are for people who fear verbal communication and want an easy way to drop off the face of the earth for a week if they feel like it.

6. The guy who gives you backhanded compliments. "Oh, you look hot with your hair than weaves." "You look so great in a dress." He may as well tell you he only likes you after your face has been filtered so that it looks like he's viewing you through wax paper.

7. The guy who texts you every day for a week then disappears for 10 days, only to resurface and text you as if everything's normal. "Sorry, been busy at work. How r u?” and replies,’K’ as if he has no time to even write a full ‘okay’.Look,if he has enough time to go to the bathroom, he has enough time to send you a text message because you know he looked at his phone when he was in there.
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