Monday, June 15, 2015

10 Commandments For Single Men

single men
1. Thou shall have a relationship with God and only Him shall you serve. If thou hearkeneth not unto this, thou shall be a boy in a man's body and thou shall slow thyself down. Thou shall know that to succeed in life, thou needest the help of the Lord thy God.

2. Thou shall have a good job and be responsible. Thou shall take care of thy wife and thy family. Thou shall not be a loafer! Thou shall be hardworking and thou shall recognize the dignity that lieth in labour.

3. If thou art still single, thou shall not be sleeping around. Thou shall not compromise sexually, for it is a violation of the commandment of the Lord thy God. Thou shall know that condoms protecteth not thou from demonic exchanges and subsequently losing God's support and favour. Thou shall quickly repent if thou fallest into mistake. But if thou art taken by sinful habits that thou doeth all the time and you repenteth not, thou shall put thy life in grave danger.

4. Thou shall know that self-service, Indecency and other intimate sins are wrong. Thou shall know that they are tools in the hands of thy enemy to hinder thy relationship with the Lord thy God. Thou shall know that the devil contendeth not for now, but for thy glorious future and destiny.

5. Thou shall not be ignorant of the devices of the devil. Thou shall not cooperate with him through disobedience to wreck thy destiny. Thou shall not be carnal, but spiritual. Thou shall learn the things of the spirit and not operate in thy flesh all the time. Thy flesh profiteth nothing, it is the Spirit that giveth life. Thou shall learn to pay thy tithe, support kingdom work and be a giver. Thou shall know that it is the law of life and prosperity, that he that scattereth increaseth, but he that witholdeth more than is meet tendeth to poverty.

6. If thou art still single, thou shall not double date. Thou shall stop all the rehearsals for adultery. Thou shall pursue only one bone of thy bone and flesh of thy flesh. Thou shall stop sampling around. Thou shall stop all the surveys that thou doeth and rather ask to be led by the Lord thy God.

7. If thou art married, thou shall focus and concentrate on thy wife. Thine eyes shall stop beholding and lusting after other maids. Whatever thou doeth with other men's wives, other men will do with thy wife!

8. Thou shall be romantic to thy wife. Thou shall learn to hug and kiss her regularly and not only when thou wantest to make love! Thou shall realize that for her, sex starteth not from the bedroom, but from the kitchen in the morning and throughout the day.

9.Thou shall understand thy wife's love language. Only that shall thou speak always and none other shall you speak. When thou doest this, then shall peace reigneth in thine house. Thou shall now that thy wife's language is her password.

10. Thou shall not shout on your fiancée or wife. Thou shall not shut her down so that thy prayers will not be hindered when you offendeth her. Thou shall learn to treat her gently at all times, for only then, will you be blessed. Thou shall never lift you hands to hit thy wife, for that is an abomination to the Lord thy God.
Unknown Web Developer

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