Monday, June 22, 2015

A Poem To A Lover. -------i Have Got A Woman------

(Dedicated to Miracle Ella Endurance) by Dreylistick 03:14 20-06-16.

I've got a woman way out of town
She takes good care of her man
She is born with a mother's pride
Always lending a helping hand
She knows when her man aren’t feeling alright

Don't need to nag to prove she's right
She gives away her love whole heartedly
She supports her man dreams a great deal
In her I see the beauty of the star

She nurtured her home with so much care
When I am miles away, still I feel her near
She is unique, born with a heart that's rare
There is so much about my woman

She drove my heart way out of town
And made the evening memorable
Her beauty is immeasurable
I can never get use to loving her
Feelings I have for her are crystal rare
When the sky is cloudy and the day lonely
I will find her smile in the wind
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