Monday, July 6, 2015


When you’re looking for a fresh graduate job, one thing that can hold you back or make you shine is your Facebook profile. Many recent graduates have had their profiles since secondary school, which can pose some dilemmas when sharing that profile with potential employers. Will they see a professional layout of your skills and character or the time you won the beer-drinking contest at your local bar? Unfortunately, once something is posted, it can last a lifetime and the only way to be sure your profile is more professional is to start from scratch.
Social Media for Job Hunting
Entry level job boards often combine social media with their own job seeker profile. It is totally voluntary whether you link a social media account with your job seeking account, but it does give employers a way to take a peek at who you are more in depth. If your privacy settings are set to “Public” on your posts, odds are they’ll be able to see your posts without friending you. Yet, some will send a friend request. That’s not the time to start scrubbing your board for offensive material that can cost you a job. Instead, you might want to be proactive and create a new account instead. Pay special attention to:
Your Photos – Don’t post photos that make you seem unprofessional. Stay covered and try to get a full face shot for the basic profile shot. This makes you appear more authentic and open.
Your Page Likes – Don’t like things that may be considered controversial or fringe. These will show up on their feed, once they friend you, as you having liked them.
Your Personal Information – Make sure it matches what’s on your resume. Fill it out completely so that you have sufficient information they can verify.
After you’ve gotten a clean profile, use it to expedite your search for new grad jobs immediately.
Unknown Web Developer

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