Sunday, June 28, 2015

77 Reasons To Love Your Life

77 Reasons To Love Your Life
Too often we find more reasons to hate our life than to love it. And you know what? Life hates us back. Here are 77 reasons to love your life.
  1. love your life for everything you already have
  2. love your life for what you are yet to receive
  3. love your life for all your certainties
  4. love your life for the friends you have
  5. love your life for the wonderful journeys you had
  6. love your life for the friends you will get
  7. love your life for all the bad advice you didn’t follow
  8. love your life for your beautiful memories
  9. love your life for the ones you love
  10. love your life for the ones you forgot, as they are still to enrich your life
  11. love your life for the work you do, as this is your gift to the others
  12. love your life for the jokes you still wait to hear
  13. love your life for the beautiful travels you are still to make
  14. love your life for everything you are not sure about, as it will still challenge your being
  15. love your life for all the beautiful sunrises you remember
  16. love your life for all the fantastic sunsets you still recall
  17. love your life for tomorrow’s sunrise
  18. love your life for yesterday sunset
  19. love your life for the gifts you are yet to receive
  20. love your life for the health you have
  21. love your life for all the beauty you can spot around you
  22. love your life for the ugliness around you, as it serves you to contrast the beauty you are ignoring
  23. love your life for the riddles you haven’t yet solved
  24. love your life for all your unanswered questions
  25. love your life for all your victories
  26. love your live for all the good advice you followed
  27. love your life for all your lost battles, as they are your precious lessons
  28. love your life for your enemies, as they are there to give birth to you forgiveness
  29. love your life for all the small things in your life
  30. love your life for all the ambitious goals you’ve set
  31. love your life for all the answers you got so far
  32. love your life for the smiles you get every day
  33. love your life for the smiles you give every day
  34. love your life for your energetic mornings
  35. love your life for your romantic evenings
  36. love your life for the life rediscovered through the eyes of your children
  37. love your life for the smell of the rain
  38. love your life for the gifts you still have to make
  39. love your life for all the games you haven’t yet played
  40. love your life for the next first snow
  41. love your life for all the great ideas you had today
  42. love your life for all the great ideas you will have tomorrow
  43. love your life for tomorrow’s surprises
  44. love your life for today’s gifts
  45. love your life for all your fulfilled dreams
  46. love your life for yesterday’s memories, they are there to enlighten you
  47. love your life for all the nice words you haven’t yet said to your loved ones
  48. love your life for all the nice words you heard from your loved ones
  49. love your life for all the nice people you haven’t yet met
  50. love your life for all your mistakes, so you can have plenty of time to make up for them
  51. love your life for all the adventures you haven’t yet had
  52. love your life for all the books you haven’t yet read
  53. love your life for all the books you haven’t yet written
  54. love your life for all the unborn challenges you still have to face
  55. love your life for all the stories you haven’t yet heard, written or imagined
  56. love your life for the person who’s looking at you from the mirror every morning
  57. love your life for the nurturing family you already have
  58. love your life for all you have to share with others
  59. love your life for all you’ve lost in your journey, as it will only make room for something even bigger
  60. love your life for the feeling of your heart overflowing with love
  61. love your life for all your unfulfilled dreams as you will have plenty of time to make them true
  62. love your life for all the opportunities that are waiting for you just around the corner
  63. love your life for the personal freedom you conquered
  64. love your life for everything you created so far
  65. love your life for the beauty of every spring
  66. love your life for the energy of every summer
  67. love your life for the emotions of every fall
  68. love your life for the cold beauty of every winter
  69. love your life for all the beauty inside you, waiting yet to be discovered
  70. love your life for all the fantastic colours that are shaping your world every day
  71. love your life for all the wonderful music you’ve heard so far
  72. love your life for all the people you have met so far, they are your precious universe
  73. love your life for wind that caresses your face every day
  74. love your life for the all the unexpected changes of your plans
  75. love your life for all the fights you avoided
  76. love your life for all the crossroads you meet every day, they are there to offer you the best path you can chose
  77. love your life for every single second, as this is all you have, only this infinite second
Unknown Web Developer

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