Sunday, May 31, 2015

10 Interesting Facts About Pornography That Will Blow More Than Just Your Mind

Porn definitely serves a purpose in the ecosystem. No one's denying it! Who doesn't love watching the unlikely escalation of a pizza boy and a lonely housewife? 

But before you continue your XXX browsing, why not learn a little bit about what goes on behind the scenes? 

1. "MILF" is the most frequently searched porn term on the Internet.

"Teen" comes in at second place.

2. Contrary to what many believe, research has proven that when watching porn, men tend to focus on the eyes of the women in the videos.

Who knew!?

3. The biggest porn company in the entire world is in Canada.

So I hear you really like watching people have sex, eh?

4. Conducting research on how porn affects relationships has proven extremely difficult, because scientists have had trouble finding a control group of men who haven't watched porn.

5. Twelve years ago there were somewhere around 70,000 sites dedicated to porn. In 2014 there are now 4.2 million in the U.S. alone.

6. In Australia, porn that features women with A-cups or smaller is banned.

7. At ANY SECOND of the day there are somewhere around 30 million people watching porn.

Quit watching porn on your lunch break and give your wife and kids a call, guy.

8. Very few porn sites feature content made by that particular site. Most sites feature content sourced from elsewhere.

9. Without bringing several hot women with you, it's almost impossible to break into the heterosexual male porn world as an actor.

10. Even in countries where porn is illegal, many make exceptions for the televisions in hotel rooms.

Unknown Web Developer

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